| 2258 | 1 | Kelsey Adams-Gavin | | 10 Flock Street, Rolleston, NZ, 7615 (k.adams@outlook.co.nz) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13383 | 1.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Rezone to support a commercial need in the location. |
| 2259 | 2 | Dean Jones | | 12 Lucca Crescent, Rolleston, NZ, 7615 (deanjay27@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13384 | 2.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive employment opportunities. |
| 2260 | 3 | Michael van Haastrecht | | 4 Glendene Court, Rolleston, NZ, 7614 (michael.vanhaastrecht@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13385 | 3.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Oppose | Adverse transport effects. |
| 13422 | FS3.2 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Reduction in the enjoyment of the area. |
| 13455 | 3.2 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Reduction in the enjoyment of the area. |
| 2261 | 4 | Beth-ann Roche | | 152 Levi Road, Rolleston, NZ, 7614 (bethroche78@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13386 | 4.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Oppose | Inconsistent with the district plan that indicates that retail activities should be north of State Highway 1 and the Main Trunk Railway Line. |
| 13387 | 4.2 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Commercial activities will contribute to adverse transport effects and congestion. |
| 13388 | 4.3 | LFRZ-Rule Requirements > LFRZ-REQ4 | | Oppose | A 20m (rather than a 5m) boundary setback is required with the residential area due to the size of the building. |
| 13389 | 4.4 | LFRZ-Rule Requirements > LFRZ-REQ5 | | Oppose | The management of the outdoor storage of stock is required to be monitored. |
| 13390 | 4.5 | TRAN-Rule Requirements > TRAN-REQ28 | | Oppose | Onsite staff parking needs to be provided to avoid adverse transport effects and congestion. |
| 13391 | 4.6 | TRAN-Rule Requirements > TRAN-REQ28 | | Oppose | Onsite staff parking needs to be provided to avoid adverse transport effects and congestion. |
| 2262 | 5 | Joanna Hindley | | 5 Reuben Avenue, Rolleston, NZ, 7615 (johindley15@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road Submission #5 - Joanna Hindley - Submission from JoHindley |
| 13392 | 5.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Oppose | Retain MRZ and require the proponent to locate in the existing LFRZ. |
| 13448 | 5.2 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Adverse effects on the adjoining and adjacent residential zones cannot be mitigated. |
| 13449 | 5.3 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Adverse noise effects, including beyond the site. |
| 13450 | 5.4 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Oppose | Adverse transport effects and inconsistency with objective TRAN-O3, including reduced safety and increased air pollution through increased vehicle movements and vehicles diverting down Reuben Avenue. |
| 13451 | 5.5 | SIGN-Rule Requirements > SIGN-REQ1 | | Oppose | Adverse visual effects associated with the signage and building bulk. |
| 13452 | 5.6 | LFRZ-Rules > LFRZ-R1 | | Oppose | Adverse visual effects associated with the building bulk. |
| 13453 | 5.7 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Oppose | Granting the request will set a precedent for commercial sprawl. |
| 13454 | 5.8 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Inconsistent with district plan, including compromising the character of the area and transport safety. |
| 2263 | 6 | Canterbury Regional Council | Amanda Thompson | PO Box 345, Christchurch, NZ, 8140 (regional.planning@ecan.govt.nz) | Submission #6 - Amanda Thompson for Canterbury Regional Council - CRC submission Selwyn Plan Variation 2 Levi Road |
| 13419 | 6.1 | V2 Levi Road Variation Request > Large Format Retail Zone | | Not Stated | Meets the broad intent of the CRPS by avoiding urban development outside greenfield priority areas (Objective 6.2.1) but proposes commercial development in an area that has been prioritised for residential 'greenfield' activities (Policy 6.3.1 ). |
| 13442 | 6.2 | V2 Levi Road Variation Request > Large Format Retail Zone | | Not Stated | Proposal allows for development that does not have a significant adverse distributional effect on key activity centres and neighbourhood centres (Objective 6.2.6 and Policy 6.3.6). |
| 13443 | 6.3 | V2 Levi Road Variation Request > Large Format Retail Zone | | Not Stated | The proposal does not conflict with the intent of the CRPS given there is a surplus in the medium term housing demand and uncertainty in the longer term forecasts (Objective 6.2.1.a). |
| 13444 | 6.4 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Not Stated | Aside from the departure from Map A, the proposal supports self-sufficient business growth (Objective 6.2.2), consolidated and intensified business growth (Objective 6.2.6) and providing business development close to labour supply and transport networks (Policy 6.3.6). |
| 13445 | 6.5 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Not Stated | Aside from the departure from Map A, the proposal aligns with the CRPS by ensuring any new development can be efficiently and effectively serviced (objectives 6.2.1 and 6.2.2, and Policy 6.3.5) and by promoting sustainable outcomes through access to existing transport networks, reduced travel distances and increase walkable catchments to a hardware store (Objectives 6.2.4 and Policy 6.3.4). |
| 13446 | 6.6 | V2 Levi Road Variation Request > Large Format Retail Zone | | Not Stated | Consistency with the CRPS for managing natural hazards (Objectives 5.2.1 and 11.2.1, and Policies 5.3.2 and 11.3.1), contaminated land (Objective 17.2.1 and Policy 17.3.2) and protecting groundwater (Objective 5.2.1, and Policies 5.3.2 and 7.3.4). |
| 13447 | 6.7 | V2 Levi Road Variation Request > Large Format Retail Zone | | Not Stated | The proposal will need to comply with the Selwyn District Plan and the Canterbury Land and Water Plan if it proceeds. |
| 2264 | 7 | Daniel Bartley | | 595 Springston Rolleston Road, Rolleston, NZ, 7615 (djcbartley@outlook.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13393 | 7.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Rezone to support a commercial need in the location. |
| 13423 | 7.2 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive transport effects through less commuting. |
| 2265 | 8 | Rob Wright | | 59 Lemonwood Drive, Rolleston, NZ, 7615 (rwright.nz@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13394 | 8.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Supports a commercial need in Rolleston. |
| 13441 | 8.2 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive transport effects through less commuting. |
| 2266 | 9 | Scott Wasley | | 28 Te Kanawa Lane, Rolleston, NZ, 7615 (scottychch@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13395 | 9.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Support the rezoning. |
| 2267 | 10 | Sandra Cameron | | 6 Caesar Close, Rolleston, NZ, 7614 (hayden12@xtra.co.nz) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13396 | 10.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Supports a commercial need in the district and Rolleston. |
| 13435 | 10.2 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive transport effects through less commuting. |
| 2268 | 11 | Britney Murray | | 10 Pallid Green, Rolleston, NZ, 7615 (britney.murray@outlook.co.nz) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13397 | 11.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Rezone to support a commercial need in the location. |
| 13436 | 11.2 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive transport effects through less commuting and improved accessibility. |
| 2269 | 12 | Vicky Van der Zwet | | 6 Cressida Close, Rolleston, NZ, 7614 (vicky.nico@xtra.co.nz) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13398 | 12.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Supports a commercial need in the location. |
| 13437 | 12.2 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive transport effects through less commuting and improved accessibility. |
| 13438 | 12.3 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive employment opportunities. |
| 2270 | 13 | Emma Van der Zwet | | 15 Marlowe Place, Rolleston, NZ, 7614 (emmavz_86@hotmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13399 | 13.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Supports a commercial need in the location. |
| 13439 | 13.2 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive transport effects through less commuting and improved accessibility. |
| 13440 | 13.3 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive employment opportunities and improved retail offerings. |
| 2271 | 14 | Peter Beechey | | 7 Solitary Lane, Rolleston, NZ, 7615 (Peter@teambeechey.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13400 | 14.1 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Retain MRZ and require the proponent to locate in the existing LFRZ. |
| 13401 | 14.2 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | The location will not generate any benefits for the neighbouring residents. |
| 13402 | 14.3 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | The activity in incompatible with the amenity and character of the area. |
| 13403 | 14.4 | CMUZ-Matters for Control or Discretion > CMUZ-MAT3 | | Oppose | Inconsistency with the urban design matters of control or discretion as the activity is not retail or large format retail. |
| 13404 | 14.5 | TRAN-Rule Requirements > TRAN-REQ28 | | Oppose | Adverse transport effects, including reduced safety and increased greenhouse gas emissions. |
| 13405 | 14.6 | SIGN-Rule Requirements > SIGN-REQ1 | | Oppose | The signage will be incompatible with the area. |
| 13406 | 14.7 | How the Plan Works > HPW26 - Precincts | | Oppose | A LFRZ should be excluded along Levi Road, but smaller boutique businesses that improve neighbourhood ambience and bring an energy may be appropriate. |
| 13456 | 14.8 | LFRZ-Rules > LFRZ-R1 | | Oppose | Adverse visual effects associated with the colour and architectural form of the proposed buildings. |
| 2272 | 15 | Daniel Schmidt | | 18A Beaumont Drive, Rolleston, NZ, 7614 (dan.r.schmidt@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13407 | 15.1 | How the Plan Works > HPW26 - Precincts | | Oppose | LFRZ should be excluded along Levi Road to maintain the separation between residential and commercial activities. |
| 13432 | 15.2 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Compromise the character of the area. |
| 13433 | 15.3 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Adverse transport effects including an increase in larger trade vehicles. |
| 13434 | 15.4 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Oppose | Granting the request will set a precedent for additional large-scale trade and retail stores within the residential areas of Rolleston. |
| 2273 | 16 | Rodrigo Carneiro | | 83 Shillingford Boulevard, Rolleston, NZ, 7615 (rod.brandao@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13408 | 16.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive transport effects through less commuting. |
| 13431 | 16.2 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Improved retail offerings. |
| 2274 | 17 | Beattie Air | Andrew Beattie | 55 Hickory Place, Islington, Christchurch, NZ, 8042 (andrew@beattieair.co.nz) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13409 | 17.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Addresses the deficit of LFRZ land within the district to support the community and local businesses. |
| 13427 | 17.2 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Supports a commercial need in the district and in the location. |
| 13428 | 17.3 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | The location will support convenience and productivity. |
| 13429 | 17.4 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive transport effects through less commuting. |
| 13430 | 17.5 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | The rezoning will have economic benefits. |
| 2275 | 18 | Te Ngai Tuahuriri Runanga and Te Taumutu Runanga . | | Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd Angela Burton 226 Antigua Street, Christchurch 8011 (mahaanui.admin@ngaitahu.iwi.nz) | Submission #18 - Angela Burton for Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd - 20241021 Submission of Te Ngai Tuahuriri Runanga and Te Taumutu Submission #18 - Te Ngai Tuahuriri Runanga and Te Taumutu Runanga . - Form 5 Te Ngai Tuahuriri Runanga and Te Taumutu Runanga |
| 13413 | 18.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Supportive of the rezoning subject to the recommendations contained in the CIA prepared by Mahaanui Kurataiao Limited, including to: - identify and protect springs and/or wetlands;
- identify and protect culturally sensitive areas;
- apply low-impact design methods;
- remediate all contaminated soils;
- minimise earthworks at the design phase;
- avoid earthworks that could affect aquifers;
- survey and protect taonga/indigenous species;
- apply relevant guidelines to the design and construction of services;
- avoid any decrease in stormwater capacity; and
- encourage the treatment of hard stand stormwater discharges to treat heavy metals.
| 2276 | 19 | Selwyn District Council | Tim Mason | 2 Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston, NZ, 7643 (al.lawn@selwyn.govt.nz) | Submission #19 - Tim Mason for Selwyn District Council - 20241023 SDC Submission on V2 Levi Road (V2) |
| 13414 | 19.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Not Stated | Adverse transport effects on the safe operation of a future Emergency Services Campus need to be managed, including the placement of vehicle crossings and access onto Lincoln-Rolleston Road. Furtehr, consideration needs to be given to the future formation of the Lincoln-Rolleston Road and Broadlands Drive intersection to ensure it is supported by integrated transport planning. |
| 13415 | 19.2 | How the Plan Works > HPW26 - Precincts | | Not Stated | Adverse transport effects on the safe operation of a future Emergency Services Campus need to be managed, including the placement of vehicle crossings and access onto Lincoln-Rolleston Road. Furtehr, consideration needs to be given to the future formation of the Lincoln-Rolleston Road and Broadlands Drive intersection to ensure it is supported by integrated transport planning. |
| 13416 | 19.3 | V2 Levi Road Variation Request > Transport | | Not Stated | Adverse transport effects on the safe operation of a future Emergency Services Campus need to be managed, including the placement of vehicle crossings and access onto Lincoln-Rolleston Road. Further, consideration needs to be given to the future formation of the Lincoln-Rolleston Road and Broadlands Drive intersection to ensure it is supported by integrated transport planning.
| 13417 | 19.4 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Schedules | | Not Stated | Adverse transport effects on the safe operation of a future Emergency Services Campus need to be managed, including the placement of vehicle crossings and access onto Lincoln-Rolleston Road. Furtehr, consideration needs to be given to the future formation of the Lincoln-Rolleston Road and Broadlands Drive intersection to ensure it is supported by integrated transport planning. |
| 13418 | 19.5 | V2 Levi Road Variation Request > Planning Maps | | Not Stated | Adverse transport effects on the safe operation of a future Emergency Services Campus need to be managed, including the placement of vehicle crossings and access onto Lincoln-Rolleston Road. Furtehr, consideration needs to be given to the future formation of the Lincoln-Rolleston Road and Broadlands Drive intersection to ensure it is supported by integrated transport planning. |
| 2277 | 20 | James Harris | | 11 Monet Vale, NZ, 7614 (jharrynz@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13410 | 20.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | The rezoning is needed for Rolleston. |
| 2278 | 21 | Jonathan White | | 5 Beaumount Drive, Suburb, Rolleston, NZ, 7614 (jonnywhite67@hotmail.com) | Submission #21 - Jonathan White - C24_File_7_XDOPXP |
| 13411 | 21.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Oppose | Adverse transport effects. |
| 13426 | 21.2 | LFRZ-Policies > LFRZ-P4 | | Oppose | Oppose as it is out of zone and centre. |
| 2279 | 22 | Gould Developments Ltd | Gould Developments Ltd | Anthony Harper Lawyers Gerard Cleary PO Box 2646, Christchurch 8140 (gerard.cleary@ah.co.nz) | V2 Levi Road Submission #22 - Gould Developments Ltd on behalf of Gould Developments Ltd for Gould Developments Ltd - 20241024 Late Submission Goulds Development Ltd |
| 13420 | 22.1 | LFRZ-Rule Requirements > LFRZ-REQ6 | | Support | Requests that the acoustic and landscape treatments along the boundary with 131-139 Levi Road are retained. |
| 13421 | 22.2 | LFRZ-Rule Requirements > LFRZ-REQ4 | | Support | Requests that the building setbacks illustrated in Appendix H Updated Indicative Mitre 10 Concept Plan of the request are retained. |
| 2280 | 23 | | Nigel Shatford | 22 Marble Wood Drive, Suburb, Christchurch, NZ, 8053 (nigelbshatford@gmail.com) | V2 Levi Road |
| 13412 | 23.1 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Supports a commercial need in Rolleston. |
| 13424 | 23.2 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Positive transport effects through less commuting and improved accessibility. |
| 13425 | 23.3 | Large Format Retail Zone > LFRZ-Overview | | Support | Improved retail offerings. |